8 Best Tips On How To Move a TV – Moving Tips For TVs
11th May, 2018

Learning how to move a TV safely is well worth it. Not only can they be expensive, they are also a valued source of entertainment for the family. These 8 tips for moving TVs will keep a big ticket item safe during the move and keep your family entertained in your new home.
Step 1: Take note of all the cables and pack them away
Step 2: If your TV is mounted detach it from the mount
Step 3: Clean your TV with a dry cloth to remove potentially harmful dust
Step 4: Cover or wrap the TV in a dust protector or soft blanket
Step 5: Pack your TV snugly in a suitable box
Step 6: Position the box so that the TV is always upright
Step 7: Tape the box firmly shut
Step 8: Position the box safely in the vehicle
Step 1: Take Note of All The Cables and Pack Them Away
When you move a TV you also need to consider the cables. There is nothing worse than misplacing or losing a cable during a move and frantically looking for it in your new home. A good idea is take a photo of the cables while they’re still connected to the TV and theatre system so you know exactly where they go!
Step 2: If your TV is mounted detach it from the mount
Many people have their TVs mounted on a bracket, which adds another level of fiddliness to the equation. If you have a mounted TV, check your manual for instructions and ask a friend to help remove it. Make sure you keep track of the screws!
Step 3: Clean your TV with a dry cloth to remove potentially harmful dust
Surprisingly, when boxed up, dust can cause permanent scratched on the screen of your TV. Take a dry cloth and wipe away any dust particle from the screen. Dust can also drop into the inner workings of your TV and potentially cause a problem. To prevent this, give all faces of the TV a good wipe down.
Step 4: Cover or wrap the TV in a dust protector or soft blanket
To help prevent any damage in transit, cover your TV with a dust protector or soft blanket. If you choose to use a blanket then make sure it does not have any metal attachments, like zips, studs or buttons. Make sure that the blanket is firmly secured with tape and that there is minimal unused parts of the blanket. You want to make sure that, with the blanket on, there is still ample space for the TV to be packed into the box.
Step 5: Pack your TV snugly in a suitable box
Ideally, you would still own the original TV box with all of the packaging. If you do, then the TV should fit very snugly with the polystyrene frame. If you don’t then you can purchase a fit for purpose box or our TV pack. Make sure you get the right sized box for your TV. You want to make sure that, when you move a TV, it does not have enough space to move around in the box. When placing the TV into the box, make sure that the TV is positioned upright.
Step 6: Keep the TV upright
Throughout the move, ensure that the TV is kept upright at all times. TVs are becoming increasingly thin and can be a lot more fragile than older models. To avoid cracks or breaks, minimise stress on the TV by keeping it upright.
Step 7: Tape the box firmly shut
Use packing tape to secure the box shut. It’s worth doubling up on expensive pieces of equipment for an extra level of security.
Step 8: Position the box safely in the vehicle
Ask a friend to help you lift the box safely into the van, truck or car. Although thin, these TVs can still be heavy and are unwieldy for one person to move a tv safely. Before placing into the truck itself, you need to plan ahead and make sure that it has a safe place and will not be damaged by falling objects or be put under pressure when taking a tight corner.
If you require any other moving tips then please have a look at our moving house checklist or other helpful moving articles.