How to Declutter Your Home Checklist
14th November, 2023

Before you even think of booking a removalist, you can make your move more manageable by cutting down on clutter before you start packing. But how do you declutter before moving day, especially if you’ve accumulated years and years of stuff?
To get you started, we’ve created this decluttering checklist to help make the process easier, so moving house is a little less stressful. We also have a range of other handy moving checklists to help your move go smoothly.
When should I start decluttering when moving?
Before we get into the nitty gritty of decluttering, just when should you start?
Depending on the amount of things you own, the size of your current home, and the size of the home you’re moving into, the timeline can vary considerably. If you know you’re going to be moving far in advance, you can even start decluttering 12 months prior.
Although it’s best to start as early as you can, keep the momentum up by using our declutter home checklist to stay on track! Let’s dive in:
We’ve created this declutter house checklist to help you declutter with ease before moving house:
Declutter Checklist at a Glance:
Step 1: You only need one of everything
Step 2: The ‘One Year Rule’
Step 3: Rationalise your wardrobe
Step 4: Only keep useful furniture
Step 5: Make the kitchen and bathroom clutter free zones
Step 6: If in doubt—throw it out.
Step 1: You Only Need One of Everything
If you’re about to start the process of organising for a move, you may be asking yourself the question “I’m a hoarder where do I start?” This is where using a declutter checklist before moving can really help. It helps you mentally prepare for what’s to come by looking at what you own impartially.
The chief problem with hoarders is that they tend to hang onto items of which they own multiples. Apart from essentials like socks and underwear, and obvious sets (like cutlery, crockery and glassware), you really only need one of each item in your house.
That’s right, just one ironing board, one bread maker and one DVD player per TV. If you’re finding multiples of items as you tour through your home, your first point of call in decluttering before a move should be to trim the fat—just keep one of each.
This is always a quick and easy first step in the declutter checklist—even if you are a hoarder, and don’t know where to start.
Step 2: The ‘One Year Rule’
When you’re starting to declutter before moving you should always keep the ‘One Year Rule’ in mind: get rid of anything you haven’t used in a year. It’s a great way to remove the indecision that can sometimes arise when you’re trying to declutter.
Aside from sentimental items or heirlooms, anything that you haven’t used within the last 12 months is superfluous. If it were helpful, handy to have, or of value, then you would have used it in the last year; if you haven’t, it serves no purpose in your day-to-day life, which means it’s a waste of valuable space.
Sell, donate or throw it away.
Step 3: Rationalise Your Wardrobe
When it comes to knowing how to declutter before moving house, your wardrobe is often key. We suggest that you implement the ‘One Year Rule’ (see Step 2) to begin your cull.
You should also think about donating items that you don’t need anymore. For instance, warm winter jackets can be donated if you’ve moved to a warmer climate, or specific sports clothing can be thrown away if you’ve stopped playing that sport.
It’s also a good idea to go through your wardrobe and try on any items of clothing that you’re not 100% sure about; if it doesn’t fit you perfectly, then donate it to your local charity.
Step 4: Only Keep Useful Furniture
This is a big one on the moving declutter checklist, as it’s amazing how much time and money people waste in packing and moving furniture that is absolutely useless. Couches, beds, dining suites and cupboards are all essentials but other things like coffee tables, sideboards, hallway tables and chiffoniers are inessential, particularly if they’re far too big, or way too small for your new home.
So, before you move, it’s a good idea to measure the spaces in your new home, as well as your existing furniture. Using these measurements, you can create a floor plan that includes all your existing furniture. If that sideboard simply isn’t going to fit or that end table is going to look teeny tiny at your new house, why lug it across town?
Now’s the time to sell, donate or throw it away!
Step 5: Make the Kitchen and Bathroom Clutter Free Zones
If you want to know the secret to organising and decluttering before moving, you need to pay extra attention to the kitchen and bathroom. These areas are notorious for clutter—pots, pans, cutlery, crockery, foodstuffs and unused toiletry products build up. Just keep a single set of cutlery, crockery and kitchenware and get rid of the rest. You’re never going to need five frying pans that all are the exact same size, shape and quality.
The same goes for the bathroom—don’t hang on to that bottle of glitter hairspray you bought for a dress up party five years ago. Just keep the essentials and bin the rest.
Step 6: If in Doubt—Throw It Out
If you’re still finding decluttering before moving difficult, simply keep this golden rule in mind: If in doubt—throw it out!
Indecision plagues hoarders and our sentimental attachment to objects can make it difficult to let go of items that we really don’t need. When going through your belongings, categorise them as follows: things you know you don’t need, and things you can’t live without. Anything that falls in the middle can be sold, donated or disposed of. If an item doesn’t make an immediate impression on you, chances are you won’t miss it. So throw it out.
So, that’s your declutter checklist for moving. It contains everything you need to make organising for a move easier, giving you the essential rules behind how to declutter before moving house.
A cluttered home is hard to move—it’s hard to get things out and it can also make for a very expensive removal bill. Follow these rules to keep costs and stress down when moving house.
And when you’re ready to get packing, Kent Removals and Storage supply a range of packing supplies and moving boxes to help your treasured goods arrive safely.
Secure Your Moving Success with Kent Removals & Storage today!
Amidst the whirlwind of decluttering before moving house, make sure you have a trusted partner by your side for your upcoming move. Kent Removals & Storage is renowned for its expertise in making relocations stress-free and efficient. Take the first step towards a hassle-free move by requesting an instant quote or giving us a call at 13 55 31. Your peace of mind is just one click or call away.