How to Pack Toys When Moving – Tips For Packing Toys
7th June, 2018

How to pack toys when moving can be a difficult process for the adults and children. Children are rightfully attached to their favourite possession and some toys mean a lot to them. Sensitivity is required and allowing the children to be involved in the process can go a long way to making packing toys less stressful for all involved.
Packing Toys For Moving With Children
To help with packing toys for a move certain strategies can be used to help with the process. Kids may be a little overwhelmed during the moving process so clear boundaries need to be set sooner rather than later. Letting your kids choose which toys they want to stay out of the boxes during the moving process gives them some degree of control but also defined what toys will be packed away.
Things You Will Need
To pack toys for the move you will need the following packing supplies. Medium and large-sized boxes, newspaper (or similar), bubble wrap and sealable plastic bags for the toys with small pieces. You should also grab a permanent marker to label the boxes to make unpacking that much easier.
How To Pack Toys
Step 1: Ask The Children Which Toys They Want To Keep Out Of Boxes
Step 2: Remove Water
Step 3: Clean The Toys
Step 4: Wrap Delicate Toys
Step 5: Remove Any Pieces That May Become Loose During Move
Step 6: Prepare Moving Boxes
Step 7: Place Sturdier Toys At The Bottom
Step 8: Fill In Any Gaps
Step 9: Seal And Label Boxes
Step 1: Ask The Children Which Toys They Want To Keep Out Of Boxes
This could be the most important step of the process. Allowing children to take a small amount of control of the situation goes a long way to minimising potential tantrums. It also gives them some comfort and familiarity during the move.
Step 2: Remove Water
Remove water from any water pistols or water-based toys prior to packing them away. This will prevent any unwanted spills during the move and protect and soft or electronic based toys.
Step 3: Clean The Toys
There’s nothing worse than opening a box in your new home and immediately seeing the dust particles exit the box and float around. Cleaning the toys will prevent this and save you a task after the move.
Step 4: Wrap Delicate Toys
Toys these days can be very expensive and some of the more expensive ones are often the delicate ones. Depending on how fragile the toy is you can use either newspaper or bubble wrap to protect the toy during transit.
Step 5: Remove And Bag Loose Pieces
If any figurines or toys have accessories that may become loose during the move it is a good idea to place them in sealable plastic bags. This will prevent them from getting lost in the move.
Step 6: Prepare Moving Boxes
Used crumpled newspaper or bubble wrap to line the inside of the boxes for additional cushioning.
Step 7: Place Sturdier Toys At The Bottom
When placing the toys into the moving box, place the heavier and sturdier toys at the bottom. This will make the boxes easier to carry and also protect the more fragile toys from becoming damaged.
Step 8: Fill In Any Gaps
If there any gaps around the sides or at the top of the box use newspaper and bubble wrap to add an extra layer of protection to the toys. It also makes the boxes sturdier and slightly easier to carry and load.
Step 9: Seal And Label Boxes
Finally, use tape to secure the top and bottom of the boxes and label the box appropriately. If the boxes contain fragile toys, makes sure to label the box fragile as well.
For more moving tips and tools please view our other helpful articles and tools. If you would like to speak to a moving expert now, please contact us on 1300 379 190.